Learn the parameters of the nodes.config file to install your cloud or hardware appliance.

Using the nodes.config file

As you install your appliance, you must configure the nodes.

  1. Run the configuration command in your terminal.
     $ tscli cluster get-config |& tee nodes.config
  2. Add network information for your nodes in the nodes.config file output, as demonstrated in the nodes.config file example.
    Run vim nodes.config to edit the file.
     $ vim nodes.config

    Fill in the areas specified in Parameters of nodes.config with your specific network information.

  3. If you have additional nodes, complete this process for each node.

Do not edit any part of the nodes.config file except the sections explained in Parameters of nodes.config. If you delete quotation marks, commas, or other parts of the code, setup may fail.

See Parameters of nodes.config to understand the parameters in the file. Different hardware and cloud installations have different parameters. Your installation may not require all the listed parameters.

Parameters of the nodes.config file

ClusterId and Cluster Name: Leave these two parameters blank. You fill them out later, when running tscli cluster create.

DataNetmask The IP of the data netmask, in the form For example,

DataGateway The IP of the data gateway, in the form For example,

IPMINetmask The IP of the Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) netmask, in the form For example,

IPMIGateway The IP of the Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) gateway, in the form For example,

Timezone The timezone the majority of your ThoughtSpot users are in, in the form Country/City. For example, America/Los_Angeles. To find your timezone and a city you can use to identify it, use this timezone list.

NTPServers The address of your company’s Network Time Protocol (NTP) server. If your company does not have an NTP server, you can use one of ThoughtSpot’s, as listed in the nodes.config example under NTPServers. For example, 0.centos.pool.ntp.org.

DNS The address of your company’s Domain Name Server (DNS). For example,,

SearchDomains The domain of your company or organization, in the form example.company.com.

Hostname The name of the host server. For example, Thoughtspot-server1.

IPv4 The main IP address, associated with DataNetmask and DataGateway, in the form For example,

IPMI IPv4 A secondary IP address, associated with the IPMINetmask and IPMIGateway, in the form For example,