Learn how to back up or restore your ThoughtSpot cluster hosted in GCP using a GCS bucket.

It is recommended to use a bucket in the same region as your cluster. By doing this, you avoid additional cross-region data transfer costs.

Backing up to a GCS bucket

To back up your cluster to a GCS bucket, use the ThoughtSpot tscli:

  1. Log in to the Linux shell of your cluster using SSH.
     $ ssh admin@<cluster-IP>
  2. Run the backup command using the following syntax:

    tscli backup create --storage_type=cloud <SNAPSHOT NAME> <PATH TO BACKUP> --bucket_name=<BUCKET NAME>


     $ tscli backup create --storage_type=cloud snapshot_1 my_backup001 --bucket_name=my_bucket

Restoring from a GCS bucket

To restore your cluster from a GCS bucket, use the ThoughtSpot tscli:

  1. Log in to the Linux shell of your cluster using SSH.
     $ ssh admin@<cluster-IP>
  2. Run the restore command using the following syntax:

    tscli cluster restore <PATH TO BACKUP ON CLOUD> --enable_cloud_storage gcs


     $ tscli cluster restore gcs://bucket0001/backup/my_backup001 --enable_cloud_storage gcs