You can contact ThoughtSpot by phone, mail, email, by filing a support ticket, or by asking the ThoughtSpot community.

File a support ticket

If you encounter a technical issue, file a support ticket using the Support Portal ticket filing system at:

Please provide as much detail as possible about your issue, to help us resolve it quickly.

You need a Support Portal login to file a ticket. If you do not have one, contact your ThoughtSpot liaison.

Ask the ThoughtSpot community

Interact with the ThoughtSpot community to find useful content, ask and answer questions, exchange ideas and best practices, and collaborate with other customers, partners, and ThoughtSpot employees. You can find the ThoughtSpot community at:


ThoughtSpot, Inc. 1900 Camden Avenue Suite 101 San Jose, CA 95124

Phone numbers

Phone Number Description
1-800-508-7008 ext 1 ThoughtSpot Support
1-800-508-7008 Toll-free number for ThoughtSpot headquarters.


Reason for contacting us Email
Sales inquiries
Other inquiries