You can use keywords when asking a question to help define your search. This reference lists the various keywords. You can also see this list of keywords and examples from within the help center.

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English Keywords Nederland Keywords Examples
top boven
  • top sales rep by count sales for average revenue > 10000
  • sales rep average revenue for each region top
bottom onder
  • bottom revenue average
  • bottom revenue by state
  • customer by revenue for each sales rep bottom
n n top 10 sales rep revenue
n n bottom 25 customer by revenue for each sales rep
sort by sorteren op
  • revenue by state sort by average revenue
  • revenue by customer sort by region


English Keywords Nederland Keywords Examples
after na order date after 10/31/2014
before vóór order date before 03/01/2014
between … and ... tussen … en … order date between 01/30/2012 and 01/30/2014
daily year-over-year dagelijks van jaar tot jaar growth of revenue by order date daily year-over-year
daily dagelijks shipments by region daily
day dag count monday restaurant
day of week dag van de week revenue by day of week last 6 months
day of week dag van de week count shipments Monday
n days for each month n dagen voor elke maand sales last 2 days for each month
n days for each quarter n dagen voor elke kwartaal revenue last 15 days for each quarter
n days for each week n dagen voor elke week total sold last 2 days for each week
n days for each year n dagen voor elke jaar revenue last 300 days for each year
growth of … by … daily groei van … tegen … dagelijks growth of sales by order date daily
growth of … by … monthly groei van … tegen … maandelijks growth of sales by date shipped monthly sales > 24000
growth of … by … quarterly groei van … tegen … per kwartaal growth of sales by date shipped quarterly
growth of … by … weekly groei van … tegen … wekelijks growth of sales by receipt date weekly for pro-ski2000
growth of … by … yearly groei van … tegen … jaarlijks growth of sales by date closed yearly
growth of … by ... groei van … tegen … growth of sales by order date
n hours for each day n uur voor elke dag sales last 2 hours for each day
last day by laatste dag tegen customers last day by referrer
last month by laatste maand tegen customers last month by day
last n days laatste n dagen visitors last 7 days
last n quarters laatste n kwartalen visitors last 2 quarters by month by campaign
last n weeks laatste n weken visitors last 10 weeks by day
last quarter laatste kwartaal customers last quarter sale >300
last week laatste week customers last week by store
last year laatste jaar top 10 customers last year by sale by store for region west
last n years laatste n jaar visitors last 5 years by revenue for sum revenue >5000
month to date maand tot nu sales by product month to date sales > 2400
month year maand jaar commission by sales rep February 2014
month maand commission January
month maand revenue by month last year
monthly year-over-year maandelijks van jaar tot jaar growth of revenue by receipt date monthly year-over-year
monthly maandelijks commission > 10000 monthly
n months for each quarter n maanden voor elke kwartaal cost last 2 months for each quarter
n months for each year n maanden voor elke jaar last 8 months for each year
n days ago n dagen geleden sales 2 days ago
n months ago n maanden geleden sales 2 months ago by region
n months n maanden visitors last 6 months for homepage visits > 30 by month
n quarters ago n kwartalen geleden sales 4 quarters ago by product name contains "deluxe"
n weeks ago n weken geleden sales 4 weeks ago by store
n years ago n jaar geleden sales 5 years ago by store for region west
n years n jaar opportunities next 5 years by revenue
next day volgende dag shipments next day by order
next month volgende maand appointments next month by day
next n days volgende n dagen shipments next 7 days
next n months volgende n maanden openings next 6 months location
next n quarters volgende n kwartalen opportunities next 2 quarters by campaign
next n weeks volgende n weken shipments next 10 weeks by day
next quarter volgende kwartaal opportunities next quarter amount > 30000
next week volgende week shipments next week by store
next year volgende jaar opportunities next year by sales rep
quarter to date kwartaal tot nu sales by product quarter to date for top 10 products by sales
quarterly year-over-year per kwartaal van jaar tot jaar growth of revenue by date shipped quarterly year-over-year
quarterly per kwartaal sales quarterly for each product
n quarters for each year n kwartalen voor elke jaar last 2 quarters for each year
today vandaag sales today by store
week to date week tot nu sales by order date week to date for pro-ski200
week week revenue by week last quarter
weekly year-over-year wekelijks van jaar tot jaar growth of revenue by date shipped weekly year-over-year
weekly wekelijks revenue weekly
n weeks for each month n weken voor elke maand sales last 3 weeks for each month
n weeks for each quarter n weken voor elke kwartaal last 2 weeks for each quarter
n weeks for each year n weken voor elke jaar last 3 weeks for each year
year to date jaar tot nu sales by product year to date
year jaar revenue by product 2014 product name contains "snowboard"
yearly jaarlijks shipments by product yearly
yesterday gisteren sales yesterday for pro-ski200 by store


English Keywords Nederland Keywords Examples
detailed gedetailleerd ship time detailed
last minute laatste minuut count homepage views last minute
last hour laatste uur count unique visits last hour
n minutes n minuten count visitors last 30 minutes
n hours n uur count visitors last 12 hours
hourly ieder uur visitors by page name hourly
n minutes ago n minuten geleden sum inventory by product 10 minutes ago
n hours ago n uur geleden sum inventory by product by store 2 hours ago


English Keywords Nederland Keywords Examples
begins with begint met product name begins with 'pro'
contains bevat product name contains "alpine" description contains "snow shoe"
ends with eindigt met product name ends with 'deluxe'
not begins with begint niet met product name not begins with "tom's"
not contains bevat niet product color not contains 'tan' product color not contains 'red'
not ends with eindigt niet met product name not ends with "trial"
similar to vergelijkbaar met course name similar to 'hand'
not similar to niet vergelijkbaar met course name not similar to 'hand'


English Keywords Nederland Keywords Examples
sum som sum revenue
average gemiddeld average revenue by store
count aantal count visitors by site
max max max sales by visitor by site
min min min revenue by store by campaign for cost > 5000
standard deviation standaardafwijking standard deviation revenue by product by month for date after
unique count uniek aantal unique count visitor by product page last week
variance verschil variance sale amount by visitor by product for last year


English Keywords Nederland Keywords Examples
all alle all
between... and zwischen … und revenue between 0 and 1000
vs, versus vs, versus revenue east vs west
> > sum sale amount by visitor by product for last year sale amount > 2000
< < unique count visitor by product by store for sale amount < 20
>= >= count calls by employee lastname >= m
<= <= count shipments by city latitude <= 0
= = unique count visitor by store purchased products = 3 for last 5 days
!= != sum sale amount region != canada region != mexico


English Keywords Nederland Keywords Examples
near in de buurt van revenue store name county near san francisco
near... within n miles|km|meters in de buurt van binnen n mijl|km|meter revenue store name county near alameda within 50 miles
farther than n miles|km|meters from verder dan binnen n mijl|km|meter van average hours worked branch farther than 80 km from scarborough


English Keywords Nederland Keywords Examples
quarter (date) kwartaal (date) quarter (purchase date)
quarter of year (date) kwartaal van jaar (date) quarter of year (purchase date)
month of quarter (date) maand van kwartaal (date) month of quarter (purchase date)
week of year (date) week van het jaar (date) week of year (ship date)
week of quarter (date) week van kwartaal (date) week of quarter (ship date)
week of month (date) week van de maand (date) week of month (ship date)
day of year (date) dag van het jaar (date) day of year (ship date)
day of quarter (date) dag van het kwartaal (date) day of quarter (ship date)
day (date) dag (date) day (ship date)
day of month (date) dag van de maand (date) day of month (order date)
day of week (date) dag van de week (date) day of week (order date)
hour (datetime) uur (datetime) hour (timestamp)