This procedure shows how to initialize the Service Provider (SP) metadata for AD FS.
This is the second part of the configuration procedure for setting up ThoughtSpot to work with AD FS for authentication. You should also refer to the overview of the entire process of integrating with AD FS.
To initialize the Service Provider metadata on AD FS:
- Open the AD FS 2.0 Management Console.
- Select Add Relying Party Trust.
- Select Import data about the relying party from a file.
- Upload the metadata.xml file that you downloaded from ThoughtSpot earlier.
- Select Next. The wizard may complain that some of the content of the metadata is not supported. You can safely ignore this warning.
- In the Ready to Add Trust section, make sure that the tab endpoints contains multiple endpoint values. If not, verify that your metadata was generated with the HTTPS protocol URLs.
- Leave the Open the Edit Claim Rules dialog checkbox checked. Click Next.
- Select Add Rule.
- Choose Send LDAP Attributes as Claims and click Next.
- For NameID enter “Claim rule name”
- For Attribute store, choose “Active Directory”.
- For LDAP Attribute choose “SAM-Account-Name”.
- For Outgoing claim type, choose “Name ID”.
- If you are using ADFS 3.0, you might need to configure the Name ID as a Pass Through claim.
- Finish the wizard and confirm the claim rules window.
- Open the provider by double-clicking it.
- Select the Advanced tab and change Secure hash algorithm to “SHA-1”.
- Your Service Provider is now registered.
- Test the ADFS Integration.