ThoughtSpot recognizes and supports a broad list of geographic regions and their subdivisions.

This reference lists supported countries and their subdivisions. ThoughtSpot renders these regions in geo maps.

You may have to make changes to your data to support geo maps.

For example, you may be collecting data for locations in Washington County, Alabama, and also for locations in Washington County, Wisconsin.

According to the 2010 Census, there are 31 distinct Washington Counties in the United States.

To account for multiple different geographical entities with the same name, you must be specific within your data.

A value of Washington County without a state attached to it may result in incorrect or incomplete geo maps.
Washington Counties in United States

We support the following countries and their associated subdivisions in geo maps:

United States     State, State abbreviations, State FIPS
    County, County FIPS
    Zip Code
United Kingdom     County and Unitary Authority
    Local Area District
    Zip Code
Australia     State, State abbreviations
Canada     Province and Territory, Province and Territory abbreviations
    Census Divisions
    Postal Code
France     Region
Germany     State
    Postal Code
Indonesia     Province and Territory
Japan     Prefecture
Sweden     County
    Post Code
South Africa     State