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Configuration Files

CS Tools is built on top of the ThoughtSpot REST APIs.

In order to interact with ThoughtSpot you must be signed in, this is known as having an "active session".

When you create a configuration, you define the User to log in as, so the level of privilege you gain depends on who that User is.

Authentications methods that CS Tools supports

CS Tools supports 3 main methods of establishing a session with ThoughtSpot, all of which can be used together.

This is your standard combination of username and password.

🚨 Your password is not held in cleartext.

This is a global password which allows you to log in as any user you choose. You can find the Secret Key in the Developer tab under Security Settings.

🦸 Only Administrators can see the Trusted Authentication secret key.

This is a user-local password placement with a designated lifetime. Call the API with your password (or secret key) to receieve a bearer token.

🕚 This token will expire after the validitiy_time_in_sec.

Exploring the Tools

With a configuration file set up, we're ready to explore all the utilities that come with CS Tools.

In the next section, we'll learn about the Archiver tool and see how we can leverage it to keep our ThoughtSpot cluster clean while it grows.