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📜   Documentation as a first class citizen

With this release, we're getting a makeover!

.. and I'm talkin' a HUGE one! "Also" is probably going to be my favorite word in this release. Not only will this website host our documentation and changes for each tool, but also how-to and help guides as well.

The Github project is also now public! That means if you are savvy enough, you could submit a Pull Request to make the tools even better!

The command line interface got a bit of a facelift also, with plenty of standardization in common functions, some fancier text output, as well as having the help text be more descriptive and match formats you've come to expect from other popular clis.

Oh, and also on the list are two new tools called the Archiver and Extractor!

There's a bunch more small changes and additions also, so check them out below!

Try it now     Archiver

cs_tools tools archiver

As your platform grows, users will create and use answers and pinboards. Sometimes, users will create content for temporary exploratory purpopses and then abandon it for newer pursuits. Archiver enables you to identify, tag, export, and remove that potentially abandoned content.

Try it now     Extractor

cs_tools tools extractor

It's Search, but on the command line! The premiere use case for this tool is to be able to extract data from the TS: BI Server worksheet and then load it into Embrace. ThoughtSpot will only store 6 months of user activity in this worksheet by default, but loading it into an Embrace-connected CDW could extend its lifespan further.

Some tools have new names!

We don't expect this will happen often. This release puts the CS Tools project out as a public resource, and so we're taking the opportunity to have more useful names. 🙂

created-objects is now known as searchable-content

dependency-checker is now known as searchable-dependencies

introspect-user-group is now known as searchable-user-groups

delete-objects is now known as bulk-deleter

  • this site that you're currently viewing! documentation now has a new home
  • Archiver released!
  • Extractor released!
  • Searchable Dependencies now supports searching for column and formula dependents
  • Transfer Ownership allows you to specify only certain tags or GUIDs1 to transfer
  • Remote TSLoad now supports a LOT more tsload-native options
  • a --temp_dir option was added to all commands and the configuration file to allow flexibility in saving temporary data
  • a --verbose flag was added to all commands and the configuration file to give more in-depth debugging information
  • help/issue submission via Google Forms
  • Created Objects is now known as Searchable Content
  • Dependency Checker is now known as Searchable Dependencies
  • Introspect User Group is now known as Searchable User & Groups
  • Delete Objects is now known as Bulk Deleter
  • tools which offered downloadable TML files will now prefer to offer a SpotApp instead
  • commands which offer an export to file or directory will now specify which in the option's documentation
  • logging now properly propagates past transient status text
  • logging should now capture the command issued along with details about the environment and config-user
  • tsload service now ACTUALLY handle reroutes from the ETL server load balancer
  • logging now properly handles special characters
  • a pesky "missing permissions" bug which would fail fantastically for no reason
  • config modify no longer reverts flag values (--disable_ssl, --disable_sso, --verbose)

(.cs_tools) C:\work\thoughtspot\cs_tools>cstools tools --private

 Usage: cstools tools [--help] <tool>

  Run an installed tool.

  Tools are a collection of different scripts to perform different functions which
  aren't native to the ThoughtSpot or advanced functionality for clients who have a
  well-adopted platform.

  --version   Show the version and exit.
  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

  archiver                 Manage stale answers and pinboards within your platform.
  bulk-deleter             Bulk delete metadata objects from your ThoughtSpot platform.
  extractor                Extract data from a worksheet, view, or table in your platform.
  rtql                     Enable querying the ThoughtSpot TQL CLI from a remote machine.
  rtsload                  Enable loading files to ThoughtSpot from a remote machine.
  searchable-content       Make ThoughtSpot content searchable in your platform.
  searchable-dependencies  Make Dependencies searchable in your platform.
  searchable-user-groups   Make Users and Groups searchable in your platform.
  security-sharing         Scalably manage your table- and column-level security right in the browser.
  sharding-recommender     Gather data on your existing Falcon tables for sharding.
  transfer-ownership       Transfer ownership of all objects from one user to another.

To upgrade your environment , please download the latest distribution and run the install script.

  1. limited transfer only available if you're on the ThoughtSpot Cloud September or Software 7.0.1 releases or better