ThoughtSpot uses emails to send critical notifications to ThoughtSpot Support. A relay host for SMTP traffic routes the alert and notification emails coming from ThoughtSpot through an SMTP email server.

Configure SMTP through the Admin Console

You can set up the relay host for SMTP from the Admin Console.

Set up relay host

Navigate to the Admin Console by clicking on the Admin tab from the top navigation bar. Select SMTP from the side navigation bar that appears.

Admin Console - SMTP

Select Configure.

Specify the following parameters:

Configure SMTP

1 Specify the relay host.
2 Specify the domain of the email address you would like emails to come from. In, it is company.
3 Specify the name of the email address you would like emails to come from. In, it is example.
4 If SMTP authentication is required, you must add a username and password. If you select no, you do not see the step to add a username and password.
5 Specify the username.
5 Specify the password.

Click OK.

Configure an email to receive alerts

ThoughtSpot sends alerts to the email address specified during installation. If you do not specify an email address, you do not receive any alerts. To add an email to receive alerts, ssh into your cluster from the command line and issue the following command.

$ tscli monitoring set-config --email <>,<your_email>

To send to multiple emails, provide a comma-separated list with no spaces.

Verify the relay with an email

Check if the email settings are working properly by using this procedure.

  1. Log in to the Linux shell using SSH.
  2. Try sending an email to yourself by issuing:

    $ echo | mail -s Hello <your_email>
  3. If you receive the email at the address(es) you supplied, email is working correctly.

Additional resources

As you develop your expertise in emails and alerts, we recommend the following ThoughtSpot U course:

See other training resources at
ThoughtSpot U