The ThoughtSpot command line interface, or tscli, is an administration interface for the cluster. Use tscli to take snapshots (backups) of data, apply updates, stop and start the services, and view information about the system. This reference defines each subcommand.

The command returns 0 on success, and a non-zero exit code on failure. The tscli command logs errors to the stderr directory.

How to use the tscli command

The tscli command has the following syntax:

tscli [-h]
      [--cluster ]
      [--zoo ]

The tscli command has several subcommands, such as alert, backup, and so on.

Issue subcommands using the following format:

tscli [subcommand]

Subcommands have their own additional options and actions, such as tscli backup create or tscli backup delete.

Each subcommand may have several options. When a subcommand option is of the form tscli subcommand --flag FLAG, it requires a specific input from the user. For example, the command tscli access list --type TYPE, where you want a list of pinboards, takes the form tscli access list type pinboard.

To view help for a subcommand, type -h after the subcommand option:

tscli [subcommand] -h

tscli optional flags

There are eight optional flags common to each tscli subcommand.


-h, --help

Shows help for a command. This flag lists the specified command’s subcommands and their definitions.


--helpfull HELPFUll

This flag shows help for all supported commands.



Turns verbose logging on for the console. By default, logs are written to both the console and log files, with the log files containing the highest verbosity log messages.

The default is false.



Prompts y/n for each question within a command instead of assuming yes.

The default is True.



Automatically configures properties of the cluster when possible. User may still be prompted for certain inputs.

The default is False.



Automatically configures properties of the cluster when possible. User may still be prompted for certain inputs.

The default is False.


--cluster CLUSTER

Name of the cluster. Used when a cluster is not automatically detected.

The default is False.


--zoo ZOO

List of Zookeeper servers, comma separated. Used when a cluster is not automatically detected.

tscli subcommands

This section lists each subcommand and its syntax.


tscli access [-h] {list}

This subcommand has the following option:

tscli access list
Lists objects by last access time, with the following parameters:
--type TYPE
Type of object, either answer or pinboard.
--limit LIMIT

The number of objects to fetch.

The default is 30.

--offset OFFSET

Offset to use to skip objects for batched results.

The default is 0.


Sorts the answers by access time ascending.

The default is True.


tscli alert [-h] {count,info,list,off,on,refresh,silence,status,unsilence}

This subcommand has the following options:

tscli alert count
Lists counts of generated alerts by type.
tscli alert info
Lists all alerts. Add --silenced to list only silenced alerts, --active to list only active alerts, or --detailed to get detailed alert information.
tscli alert list
Lists the generated alerts, with these parameters:
--limit LIMIT
Specifies the number of recent alerts to display.
--since SINCE
Lists all alerts raised since a specified time period, in the form of a human readable duration string, such as 4h (4 hours) or 4m (4 minutes).
tscli alert off
Disables all alerts from the cluster in the cluster's timezone.
tscli alert on
Enables alerts from the cluster.
tscli alert refresh
Refreshes alert metadata on the cluster.
tscli alert silence --name NAME
Silences the alert with NAME. For example, DISK_ERROR. Silenced alerts are still recorded in postgres; however, emails are not sent out.
tscli alert status
Shows the status of cluster alerts.
tscli alert unsilence --name NAME
Unsilences the alert with NAME. For example, DISK_ERROR.


tscli ansible [-h] {checkout,commit} [--local]

This subcommand has the following options:

tscli ansible checkout --host HOST
Checks out Ansible playbook with the target HOST that is running the ts_ansible service.
tscli ansible commit --host HOST
Commits Ansible playbooks with the target HOST that is running the ts_ansible service.

Use this subcommand to install and configure third-party software on the ThoughtSpot cluster.

For details, see these articles:


tscli backup [-h] {create,delete,ls,}

This subcommand has the following options:

tscli backup create [-h] [--mode {full,light,dataless}] [--type {full,incremental}] [--base BASE]
[--storage_type {local,nas,cloud}] [--remote] [--no-orion-master] name out

Pulls a snapshot and saves it as a backup. You must specify the snapshot name (name) and the directory to send the backup to (out). The command has the following optional parameters:

--mode {full,light,dataless}

Mode of backups.

The default is full.

Type of backup. Only STANDALONE is supported.
--base BASE

Based snapshot name for incremental backup.

Note: Because incremental is not implemented, neither is this option.

There is no default setting.

--storage_type {local,nas,cloud}

Storage type of output directory.

The default setting is local.


Takes backup through orion master.

The default setting is True.


Determines whether orion master is available during backup.

The default is False.

--bucket_name BUCKET_NAME
The name of the s3/gcs bucket to create the backup. The platform depends on the storage type of the cluster. You must specify --storage_type as cloud.
--staging_dir STAGING_DIR
Used for staging hdfs data in cloud based backups. No effect in non-cloud based backups. You must specify --storage_type as cloud.
tscli backup delete ID
Deletes the backup with the specified ID.
tscli backup ls
Lists all periodic backups taken by the system. Note that this command only shows periodic backups, and not manual backups.


tscli backup-policy [-h] {create,delete,disable,enable,ls,show,status,update}

Manages the backup policy.

This subcommand has the following options:

tscli backup-policy create
Prompts an editor for you to edit the parameters of a new periodic backup policy, with the following parameters:
Specify a name for your backup.
mode {full,light,dataless}

The backup mode. A `FULL` backup is required for restoring a cluster.

The default is full.

The backup type. Only STANDALONE is supported.
The location on the disk to place the backup. You specify an existing directory path, but the folder (the last part of the path: home/admin/folder) must not already exist. ThoughtSpot creates the folder when it runs a backup.
storage_type {NAS,local,S3}
The type of storage you are using. NAS storage is recommended for FULL backups.
--config CONFIG
Specifies the text format of the periodic backup policy config.
tscli backup-policy delete NAME
Deletes the backup policy name.
tscli backup-policy disable NAME
Disables the policy name.
tscli backup-policy enable NAME
Enables the policy name.
tscli backup-policy ls
Lists backup policies.
tscli backup-policy show NAME
Shows the backup policy name.
tscli backup-policy status NAME
Shows the status of the backup policy name.
tscli backup-policy update NAME
Prompts an editor for you to edit the backup policy name, with the following parameter:
--config CONFIG
Specifies the text format of the periodic backup policy config.


tscli calendar [-h] {create,delete,disable,enable,generate,get,list,update}

This subcommand has the following options:

tscli calendar create
Creates a new custom calendar, with the following parameters:
--file_path FILE_PATH
Path to the CSV file holding custom calendar data.
--name NAME
Custom calendar name.
--separator SEPARATOR

The separator used in the CSV file.

The default is ,.


Flag to indicate that the CSV file has no header row.

The default is True.

--username USERNAME
The admin username for ThoughtSpot login.
tscli calendar delete
Deletes a custom calendar table from the system, with the following parameters:
--name NAME
Deletes the custom calendar NAME.
--username USERNAME
The admin username for ThoughtSpot login.
tscli calendar disable
Disables custom calendar on the cluster.
tscli calendar enable
Enables custom calendar on the cluster.
tscli calendar generate
Creates a custom calendar table based on given specifications, with the following parameters:
--name NAME
A name to create the custom calendar CSV file with.
--start_date START_DATE
The start date to begin the custom calendar with in the form mm/dd/yyyy.
--end_date END_DATE
The end date to end the custom calendar with in the form mm/dd/yyyy.
--calendar_type {MONTH_OFFSET,4-4-5,4-5-4,5-4-4}

The type of custom calendar to create.

The default is MONTH_OFFSET.

--month_offset {January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December}

The month offset to start the year from, if the calendar is the MONTH_OFFSET type.

The default is January.


The day the week starts on.

The default is Sunday.

The string to prefix a quarter name with.
--year_name_prefix YEAR_NAME_PREFIX
The string to prefix a year name with.
--username USERNAME
The admin username for ThoughtSpot login.
tscli calendar get
Procures data of a custom calendar as a CSV file, with the following parameters:
--name NAME
Procures data of custom calendar NAME
--username USERNAME
Admin username for ThoughtSpot login.
tscli calendar list
Procures a list of custom calendars present in the cluster, with the following parameter:
--username USERNAME
Admin username for ThoughtSpot login.
tscli calendar update
Updates a custom calendar table in the system, with the following parameters:
--file_path FILE_PATH
Path to the CSV file holding custom calendar data.
--name NAME
Custom calendar name.
--separator SEPARATOR

The separator used in the CSV file.

The default is ,.


Flag to indicate that the CSV file has no header row.

The default is True.

--username USERNAME
The admin username for ThoughtSpot login.


Provides usage statistics to ThoughtSpot by uploading the callhome bundle data daily into Egnyte.

tscli callhome [-h] {disable,enable,generate-bundle}

This subcommand has the following options:

tscli callhome enable --customer_name CUSTOMER_NAME

Enables the callhome feature.

This feature is enabled by default.

The parameter customer_name takes the form Shared/CUSTOMER_NAME/stats.

tscli callhome disable
Turns off the callhome feature.
tscli callhome generate-bundle [--d D] [--since SINCE]
Generates the callhome stats tar file, with the following parameters:
--d D

Destination folder for the tar file.

There is no default setting.

--since SINCE

Grabs callhome data from the specified time window in the past.

This should be a human-readable duration string, such as 4h (4 hours), 30m (30 minutes), 1d (1 day).

This option generates a tar file of the cluster metrics and writes it to the specified directory, where SINCE is how many days back the file must start.

There is no default setting.


tscli cassandra [-h] {backup,restore}

Backs up cassandra.

This subcommand has the following options:

tscli cassandra backup
Takes a backup of cassandra, with the following parameters:
--keyspaces KEYSPACES
Comma separated list of keyspaces to take a backup of.
backup_dir BACKUP_DIR
The path to the backup directory to write the backup to.
tscli cassandra restore
Restores cassandra from a backup, with the following parameter:
--backup_dir BACKUP_DIR
The path to the backup directory to restore the backup to.


tscli cluster [-h] {abort-update,bucket-migrate,bucket-name,check,create,download-release,get-config,list-available-releases,list-downloaded-releases,load,restore,resume-update,set-config,set-min-resource-spec,setup-release-host,setup-release-host-key,show-resource-spec,start,status,stop,update,update-hadoop}

This subcommand has the following options:

tscli cluster abort-update
Aborts an ongoing cluster update, if safe.
tscli cluster bucket-migrate
Migrates the cluster to use another S3/GCS bucket, also migrating the data from the current s3 bucket to the new bucket. This command has the following optional parameter:
--name NAME
Name of the new bucket.
tscli cluster bucket-name
Returns the name of the s3 bucket associated with the cluster, if there is one.
tscli cluster check [--path PATH] [--includes INCLUDES] [--retry RETRY] [--localhost] [--disable-events]
Checks the status of all nodes in the cluster, with the following parameters:
--path PATH

Specifies the working directory of the diagnostic tool.

The default is /usr/local/scaligent/release.

--includes INCLUDES

Specifies the comma-separated component(s) to be included in the check.

The default is all.

--retry RETRY

The maximum number of retry times if the node is unreachable.

The default is 10.


Runs cluster checks only on localhost.

The default is False.


Disables raising configuration events.

The default is False.

tscli cluster create release

Creates a new cluster from the release file specified by adding the release number.

Used by ThoughtSpot Support when installing a new cluster. For example, tscli cluster create 5.3.2.tar.gz.

This command has the following parameters:


Disables cluster rotate key configuration.

The default is False.

--enable_cloud_storage {s3a,gcs}
Determines whether to enable Cloud Storage setup, and which storage format to use.

Should be set for heterogeneous clusters.

The default is False.

tscli cluster download-release release
Downloads the specified release to the Hadoop Distributed File Sytem (HDFS) for later upgrading.
tscli cluster get-config

Gets current cluster network and time configuration. Prints JSON configuration to stdout.

If the system cannot be connected to all interfaces, the command returns an error but continues to function.

This command has the following parameters:


Gets the config for the local host only.

The default is False.

--nodes NODES
A comma separated list of specified nodes to get the config for.
tscli cluster list-available-releases
Lists the available releases to update to on the cluster.
tscli cluster list-downloaded-releases
Lists the releases downloaded to the cluster.
tscli cluster load backupdir
Loads the state from a specified backup directory onto an existing cluster. Add --reuse_cluster to reuse the cluster service configs rather than restoring from the backup directory. Add --cloud_data_dirCLOUD_DATA_DIR to specify the cloud path to the restore.
tscli cluster restore --release RELEASE backupdir

Restores a cluster on the specified release number using the backup in the specified directory backupdir. If you're restoring from a dataless backup, you must supply the release tarball for the corresponding software release.

This command has the following parameters:


Disables cluster rotate key configurations.

The default is False.

--enable_cloud_storage {s3a,gcs}
Determines whether to enable Cloud Storage setup. For example, run tscli cluster restore --enable_cloud_storage s3a to enable AWS S3 object storage.

Should be set for heterogeneous clusters.

The default is False.

tscli cluster resume-update
Resumes in-progress updates, with the following parameter:
Comma separated list of node IPs on which upgrade is not attempted if they are found to be unhealthy. If a node outside of this list is found unhealthy, the upgrade is aborted.
tscli cluster set-config

Sets cluster network and time configuration. Takes JSON configuration from stdin.

This subcommand has the following parameters:


Only use ipv4 for node communication. Requires passing ipMap in config unless no-network-change is also specified.

The default is False.


This flag ensures that a change made with set-config does not update network settings.

The default is False.


Allows a network and gateway mismatch.

The default is False.

tscli cluster set-min-resource-spec
Sets the minimum resource configuration of the cluster, with the following parameter:
--file FILE

Specified script with overrides.

The default is False.

tscli cluster show-resource-spec
Prints default or min.
tscli cluster start
Starts the cluster.
tscli cluster status
Gives the status of the cluster, including release number, date last updated, number of nodes, pending tables time, and services status. This subcommand has the following parameters:
--mode {basic,service,table,full,reinstall-os}
Specifies the kind of status message you want.

Prints the details of creation and update progress.

The default is False.


Runs checks not related to orion.

The default is False.

--includes INCLUDES
The name of the service to check the status of, either falcon or sage.
tscli cluster stop
Pauses the cluster (but does not stop storage services).
tscli cluster update
Updates an existing cluster on a specified release, with the following parameters:

Looks for 'release' in the downloaded tarballs and if found, will update to that tarball.

The default is False.


Runs only the pre-update checks.

The default is False.


Waits for Falcon and Sage to be in a serving state before marking an update as complete.

The default is False.


Creates a snapshot automatically before starting update.

The default is False.


Generates pre-update and post-update scoreboards and compares them.

The default is False.

Only updates orion.
A comma separated list of node IPs on which upgrade is not attempted in case they are found to be unhealthy. If a node outside of this list is found unhealthy, the upgrade is aborted.
tscli cluster update-hadoop
Updates Hadoop/Zookeeper on the cluster.


tscli command [-h] {run}

Runs a specified command (COMMAND) on all nodes.

This subcommand has the following option:

tscli command run COMMAND

This subcommand has the following parameters:

--nodes NODES

Space-separated IPs of nodes on which to run the command.

The default setting is all.

--dest_dir DEST_DIR

Directory to save the files that contain the output from each node.

This is a mandatory parameter.

--copyfirst COPYFIRST

Command to copy the executable to required nodes first.

The default setting is False.

--timeout TIMEOUT

Timeout waiting for the command to finish.

The default setting is 60.


tscli dataflow [-h] {disable,enable}

This subcommand has the following options:

tscli dataflow disable
Disables the DataFlow service on the cluster.
tscli dataflow enable
Enables the DataFlow service on the cluster, with token authentication.


tscli dr-mirror [-h] {start,status,stop}

This subcommand has the following options:

tscli dr-mirror start
Starts a mirror cluster which will continuously recover from a primary cluster, with the following parameters:
Directory where backups of primary cluster can be found.
Comma-separated list of IP addresses of nodes in the mirror cluster.
The name of the mirror cluster.
The ID of the mirror cluster.
--email EMAIL

Option alert email setting.

The default is later.

tscli dr-mirror status
Checks whether the current cluster is running in mirror mode.
tscli dr-mirror stop
Stops mirroring on the local cluster.


tscli etl [-h] {change-password,disable-lw,download-agent,enable-lw,show-lw}

This subcommand has the following options:

tscli etl change-password
Changes the Informatica Cloud account password used by ThoughtSpot Data Connect, with the following parameters:
--admin_username ADMIN_USERNAME
Specifies the Administrator username for ThoughtSpot.
--username USERNAME
Specifies the username for Informatica Cloud.
--max_wait MAX_WAIT
The maximum time in seconds to wait for the Data Connect agent to start.
This flag identifies whether Informatica is in IICS or ICS mode. By default, Informatica is in ICS mode.
tscli etl disable-lw
Disables ThoughtSpot Data Connect.
tscli etl download-agent
Downloads the ThoughtSpot Data Connect agent to the cluster, with the following parameters:

Pushes the downloaded installer to all nodes.

The default is False.

--proxy_host PROXY_HOST
Specify your proxy server host for network access.
--proxy_port PROXY_PORT
Specify your proxy server port.
--proxy_username PROXY_USERNAME
Specify your proxy server username.

This flag identifies whether Informatica is in IICS or ICS mode. By default, Informatica is in ICS mode.

The default is False.

tscli etl enable-lw

Enables Data Connect.Contact ThoughtSpot Support for assistance in setting this up.

This subcommand has the following parameters:

--username USERNAME
Username for Informatica Cloud
--thoughtspot_url THOUGHTSPOT_URL
URL to reach ThoughtSpot.
--admin_username ADMIN_USERNAME
Admin username for ThoughtSpot
--groupname GROUPNAME
Name of the secure agent group to use.
--org_id ORG_ID
Specifies the Informatica id of the company.
--pin_to PIN_TO
Specifies the IP address to pin to. If you specify an IP to pin to, that node becomes sticky to the Informatica agent, and will always be used. Defaults to the public IP address of the localhost where this command was run.
--proxy_host PROXY_HOST
Proxy server host for network access.
--proxy_port PROXY_PORT
Proxy server port.
--proxy_username PROXY_USERNAME
Proxy server username.
--max_wait MAX_WAIT
Maximum time in seconds to wait for Data Connect agent to start.

This flag identifies whether Informatica is in IICS or ICS mode. By default, Informatica is in ICS mode.

The default is False.

tscli etl show-lw

Shows the status of ThoughtSpot Data Connect.

It also returns the Informatica username and OrgId.


tscli event [-h] {list}

This subcommand and its options manage event notifications.

This subcommand has the following option:

tscli event list [-h] [--include INCLUDE] [--since SINCE] [--from FROM] [--to TO] [--limit LIMIT] [--detail] [--summary_contains SUMMARY_CONTAINS] [--detail_contains DETAIL_CONTAINS] [--attributes ATTRIBUTES]

The event list subcommand accepts these optional flags:

--include INCLUDE

Options are all, config, and notification.

The default is config.

--since SINCE
Grabs events from the specified time window. Should be a human readable duration string, such as 4h (4 hours), 30m (30 minutes), or 1d (1 day).
--from FROM
Specifies the starting point for the time window to grab events from. Must be of the form yyyymmdd-HH:MM.
--to TO
Specifies the ending point for the time window to grab events from. Must be of the form: yyyymmdd-HH:MM.
--limit LIMIT

Maximum number of events to fetch.

The default setting is 0.


Prints events in detail format. This is not tabular. Default is a tabular summary.

The default setting is False.

--summary_contains SUMMARY_CONTAINS
Summary of the event will be checked for this string. Multiple strings to check for can be specified by separating them with | (pipe). The event is returned if it matches ALL. Put single quotes around the param value to prevent undesired glob expansion.
--detail_contains DETAIL_CONTAINS
Details of the event will be checked for this string. Multiple strings to check for can be specified by separating them with | (pipe). The event is returned if it matches ALL. Put single quotes around the param value to prevent undesired glob expansion.
--attributes ATTRIBUTES
Specify attributes to match as key=value. Multiple strings to check for can be specified by separating them with | (pipe). The event is returned if it matches ALL. Put single quotes around the param value to prevent undesired glob expansion.


tscli feature [-h] {get-all-config}

This subcommand has the following option:

tscli feature get-all-config
Gets the configured features in a cluster. The command returns a list of features, such as custom branding, Data Connect, and callhome, and informs whether they are enabled or disabled. This subcommand has the following parameter:

Shows the output as a serialized proto.

The default is False.


tscli fileserver [-h] {configure,download-release,purge-config,show-config,upload}

This subcommand has the following options:

tscli fileserver configure [-h] --user USER [--password PASSWORD]

Configures the secure file server username and password for file upload/download, and the call home feature.

You only have to issue this command one time, to set up the connection to the secure file server. Reissue this command if the password changes.

The parameter PASSWORD is optional. If a password is not specified, you will be prompted to enter it.

tscli fileserver download-release [-h] [--user USER] [--password PASSWORD] [--url URL] [--md5 MD5] [--out OUT] release

Downloads the specified release file, including its checksum, and verifies the integrity of release bundle.

You must specify the exact release number, such as 5.1.3.

Before using this command for the first time, you must set up the file server connection using tscli fileserver configure. You can then work with a member of the ThoughtSpot Support team because a privileged user and a corresponding password must be specified to download releases. This command has the following parameters:

--user USER
The fileserver username.
--password PASSWORD
The fileserver password.
--url URL
Url from where the release needs to be downloaded.
--md5 MD5
Md5 of the release tarball, if known.
--out OUT
File name of the tar ball.
tscli fileserver purge-config
Removes the file server configuration.
tscli fileserver show-config
Shows the file server configuration.
tscli fileserver upload [-h] [--user USER] [--password PASSWORD] --file_name FILE_NAME --server_dir_path SERVER_DIR_PATH

Uploads the specified file to the directory specified on the secure file server.

You may optionally specify the user and password to bypass the credentials specified when configuring the file server connection with tscli fileserver configure. Before using this command for the first time, you must set up the file server connection using tscli fileserver configure.

This command uses the following flags:

--user USER
Username of the fileserver.
--password PASSWORD
Password of the fileserver. This is required and the command prompts you for it if you do not supply it.
--file_name FILE_NAME
Local file to upload.
--server_dir_path SERVER_DIR_PATH
Directory path on fileserver. The SERVER_DIR_PATH parameter specifies the directory for file upload. It is based on customer name, and takes the form /Shared/support/customer_name.


tscli firewall [-h] {close-ports,disable,enable,open-ports,status}

This subcommand has the following options:

tscli firewall close-ports --ports PORTS

Closes specified ports through firewall on all nodes.

Accepts a comma-separated list of ports. Only closes ports that were previously opened using open-ports, and ignores ports that were not opened with open-port, or closed ports.

Some essential ports are always kept open, such as ssh; they are not affected by this command or by open-ports.

tscli firewall disable
Disables firewall.
tscli firewall enable
Enables firewall.
tscli firewall open-ports --ports PORTS

Opens specified ports through a firewall on all nodes.

Accepts a comma-separated list of ports.

Ignores open ports.

Some essential ports are always kept open, such as ssh; they are not affected by this command or by close-ports.

tscli firewall status
Shows whether firewall is currently enabled or disabled.


tscli hdfs [-h] {leave-safemode}

This subcommand has the following option:

tscli hdfs leave-safemode
Command to get HDFS namenodes out of safemode, with the following parameter:
--timeout TIMEOUT

Specifies timeout when waiting for the command to finish.

The default is 5.


tscli ipsec [-h] {disable,enable,status}

This subcommand has the following options:

tscli ipsec disable
Disables IPSec.
tscli ipsec enable
Enables IPSec.
tscli ipsec status
Shows IPSec status on all nodes.


tscli ldap [-h] {add-cert,configure,purge-configuration}

This subcommand has the following options:

tscli ldap add-cert name cert_file
Adds an SSL certificate for LDAP. Use only if LDAP has been configured without SSL and you wish to add it. Use name to supply an alias for the certificate you are installing. Use cert-file to specify the file where the certificate is.
tscli ldap configure
Configures LDAP using an interactive script.
tscli ldap purge-configuration
Purges (removes) any existing LDAP configuration.


tscli logs [-h] {collect,runcmd}

Manages the logging behavior.

This subcommand has the following options:

tscli logs collect [-h] [--include INCLUDE] [--exclude EXCLUDE] [--since SINCE] [--from FROM] [--to TO] [--out OUT] [--maxsize MAXSIZE] [--sizeonly] [--nodes NODES]

Extracts logs from the cluster. Does not include any logs that have been deleted due to log rotation.

This subcommand has the following parameters:

--include INCLUDE

Specifies a comma separated list of logs to include. Each entry is either a "selector" or a glob for matching files. Selectors must be among: all, orion, system, ts. Anything starting with / is assumed to be a glob pattern, and it is interpreted through find(1). Other entries are ignored. Put single quotes around the param value to prevent undesired glob expansion.

The default is all.

--exclude EXCLUDE
Comma separated list of logs to exclude. Applies to the list selected by --include. Params are interpreted just like in --include.
--since SINCE
Grabs logs from the specified time window in the past. Should be a human-readable duration string, such as 4h (4 hours), 30m (30 minutes), 1d (1 day).
--from FROM
Timestamp where collection begins; must be of the form yyyymmdd-HH:MM.
--to TO
Timestamp where collection ends; must be of the form yyyymmdd-HH:MM.
--out OUT

Tarball path for writing logs from each node.

The default setting is /tmp/logs.tar.gz.

--maxsize MAXSIZE
Only fetch logs if size is smaller than this value. Can be specified in megabytes or gigabytes, such as 100MB, 10GB.

Do not collect logs. Just report the size.

The default setting is False.

--nodes NODES
Comma separated list of nodes from where to collect logs. Skip this to use all nodes.
tscli logs runcmd [-h] --cmd CMD [--include INCLUDE] [--exclude EXCLUDE] [--since SINCE] [--from FROM] [--to TO] [--outfile OUTFILE] [--outdir OUTDIR] [--cmd_infmt CMD_INFMT] [--cmd_outfmt CMD_OUTFMT] [--nodes NODES]

Runs a Unix command on logs in the cluster matching the given constraints. Results are reported as text dumped to standard out, the specified output file, or as tarballs dumped into the specified directory.

Accepts these optional flags:

--cmd CMD

Unix-Command to be run on the selected logs. Use single quotes to escape spaces etc. Note the language used to specify CMDSTR has the following rules.

  • A logfile and its corresponding result file can be referred to by the keywords SRCFILE and DSTFILE. For example, cp SRCFILE DSTFILE.
  • Without any reference to DSTFILE in CMDSTR, DSTFILE will be appended to CMDSTR for output redirection. For example, du -sch SRCFILE gets auto-translated to du -sch SRCFILE > DSTFILE.
  • Without any reference to SRCFILE, the contents of the log are streamed to CMDSTR by pipe. For example, tail -n100 | grep ERROR gets auto-translated to cat SRCFILE | tail -n100 | grep ERROR > DSTFILE.
--include INCLUDE

Comma-separated list of logs to include. Each entry is either a "selector" or a glob for matching files.

Selectors must be one of all, orion, system, or ts.

Anything that starts with / (forward slash) is assumed to be a glob pattern and interpreted through find(1). Other entries are ignored.

TIP: use single quotes around the parameter value to prevent undesired glob expansion.

The default setting is all.

--exclude EXCLUDE
Comma separated list of logs to exclude. Applies to the list selected by --include. Parameters are interpreted just like in --include.
--since SINCE
Grabs logs from the specified time window in the past. Should be a human-readable duration string, such as 4h (4 hours), 30m (30 minutes), or 1d (1 day).
--from FROM
Timestamp where collection begins; must be of the form yyyymmdd-HH:MM.
--to TO
Timestamp where collection ends; must be of the form yyyymmdd-HH:MM.
--outfile OUTFILE
File path for printing all results. By default printed to stdout.
--outdir OUTDIR
Directory path for writing results with original directory structure from each node. Used as an alternative to printing output to outfile/stdout.
--cmd_infmt CMD_INFMT
Specify if the input file should be compressed or uncompressed before running CMD. C for compressed, U for uncompressed. Don't use this flag if CMD works on both.
--cmd_outfmt CMD_OUTFMT
Specify if OUTFILE generated by CMD should be compressed or uncompressed. C for compressed, U for uncompressed. Don't use this flag if output file is of the same format as the input file.
--nodes NODES
Comma separated list of nodes to run command on. Skip this to use all nodes.


tscli map-tiles [-h] {disable,enable,status}

This subcommand has the following options:

tscli map-tiles enable [-h] [--online] [--offline] [--tar TAR] [--md5 MD5]

Enables ThoughtSpot's map tiles. Used when constructing geo map charts.

If you don't have internet access, you must download the map tiles tar and md5 files, and append the following to the tscli command:


Downloads maptiles tar from internet.

The default setting is True.


Specifies that you are using a maptiles tarball from a local disk, rather than downloading from the internet. Use during offline enablement of map-tiles. You must specify the location of the --tar and --md5 on your machine.

You must download the tarball and md5 before you run this command.

The default setting is False.

--tar TAR
Specified tar file for map-tiles. Download the tarball here.
--md5 MD5
Specified md5 file for map-tiles. Download the md5 here.
tscli map-tiles disable
Disables map-tiles functionality.
tscli map-tiles status
Checks whether map-tiles are enabled, with the following parameter:
--md5 MD5
Specified md5 checksum for validation.


tscli monitoring [-h] {set-config,show-config}

This subcommand has the following options:

tscli monitoring set-config [-h] [--email EMAIL] [--clear_email] [--heartbeat_interval HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL] [--heartbeat_disable]

Sets the monitoring configuration.

The monitoring subcommand accepts the following optional flags:

--email EMAIL
Comma separated list (no spaces) of email addresses where the cluster sends monitoring information.

Disables monitoring emails by clearing email configuration.

The default is False.

--heartbeat_interval HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL
Specify a heartbeat email generation interval in seconds. The interval should be greater than 0.

Disables heartbeat email generation.

The default is False.

tscli monitoring show-config
Shows the monitoring configuration.


tscli nas [-h] {ls,mount-cifs,mount-nfs,unmount}

This subcommand has the following options:

tscli nas ls [-h]
Lists mounts managed by NAS mounter service.
tscli nas mount-cifs [-h] --server SERVER [--path_on_server PATH_ON_SERVER] --mount_point MOUNT_POINT--username USERNAME --password PASSWORD [--uid UID] [--gid GID] [--options OPTIONS]

Mounts a CIFS device on all nodes.

Accepts the following optional flags:

--server SERVER

IP address or DNS name of CIFS service.

For example,

--path_on_server PATH_ON_SERVER

Filesystem path on the CIFS source server to mount NAS.

For example, /a.

The default setting is / (forward slash).

--mount_point MOUNT_POINT

Directory on all cluster nodes where the NFS filesystem should be mounted on the target.

If this directory does not exist, the command creates it. If this directory already exists, the command uses it for mounting.

For example, /mnt/external.

--username USERNAME
Username to connect to the CIFS filesystem.
--password PASSWORD
CIFS password for --username.
--uid UID

The UID that owns all files or directories on the mounted filesystem when the server does not provide ownership information.

See man mount.cifs for more details.

The default setting is 1001.

--gid GID

The GID that owns all files or directories on the mounted filesystem when the server does not provide ownership information.

See man mount.cifs for more details.

The default is 1001.

--options OPTIONS

Other command-line options to forward to the mount.cifs command.

The default setting is noexec.

tscli nas mount-nfs [-h] [--server SERVER] [--path_on_server PATH_ON_SERVER] [--mount_point MOUNT_POINT] [--options OPTIONS] [--protocol {nfs,nfs4}]

Mounts the NFS filesystem on all nodes.

Accepts the following optional flags:

--server SERVER
IP address or DNS name of NFS service. For example,
--path_on_server PATH_ON_SERVER

Filesystem path on the NFS source server.

For example, /a/b/c/d.

The default setting is /.

--mount_point MOUNT_POINT

Directory on all cluster nodes of the target system.

If this directory does not exist, the command creates it. If this directory already exists, the command uses it for mounting.

For example, /mnt/external.

--options OPTIONS

Command-line options to mount.

The default setting is noexec.

--protocol PROTO

Protocol to use for mounting, either nfs or nfs4.

The default is nfs.

tscli nas unmount [-h] --dir DIR

Unmounts all devices from the specified directory, DIR.

This command returns an error if nothing is currently mounted on this directory through tscli nas mount.


tscli node [-h] {check,ls,status}

This subcommand has the following options:

tscli node check [-h] [--select {reinstall-preflight}] [--secondary SECONDARY]

Runs checks per node.

Accepts the following flags:

--select {reinstall-preflight}

Specifies the type of node check.

The default setting is reinstall-preflight.

--secondary SECONDARY

Secondary drive for reinstall-preflight.

The default setting is sdd.

tscli node ls [-h] [--type {all,healthy,not-healthy}]
Lists all nodes in the cluster, with the following parameter:
--type {all,healthy,not-healthy}

Filters by node state.

The default setting is all.

tscli node status
Get Node status for operation specified by mode, with the following paramaters:
--mode {reinstall-os}
Mode to run node status in.

Prints the details of create and update progress.

The default is False.


tscli notification [-h] {set-apns-config}

This subcommand has the following option:

tscli notification set-apns-config
Sets APNS configuration.


tscli onboarding [-h] {configure,purge-configuration}

Onboarding helps application administrators to bulk update user information. In particular, it configures various in-app email options.

This subcommand has the following options:

tscli onboarding --help
Prints help for the onboarding configuration
tscli onboarding configure

Configures the onboarding through a series of steps.

Asks the user to provide information necessary for onboarding-related functionality, such as the following:

  1. Company name
  2. Product name
  3. Should welcome emails be enabled?

    • Send welcome emails to new users
    • Support email
    • Custom message to include in emails
    • URL of the ThoughtSpot instance
    • URL of the ThoughtSpot documentation
tscli onboarding purge-configuration
This command removes all previous onboarding configuration.


tscli patch [-h] {abort-apply,apply,ls,resume-apply,resume-rollback,rollback,status}

This subcommand has the following options:

tscli patch abort-apply
Aborts an ongoing patch-apply, if safe.
tscli patch apply [-h] [release]

Applies the patch on an existing cluster, with the specified release.

Accepts the following flag:


When set, skips all pre-apply checks.

The default is False.

tscli patch ls [-h] [--applied] [--rolled_back] [--service SERVICE] [--md5 MD5] [--history]

Lists the patches currently applied.

Accepts the following flags:


Shows only the patches applied since the last full release.

The default setting is False.


Shows only the patches rolled back since the last full release.

The default setting is False.

--service SERVICE
Shows patches filtered by service.
--md5 MD5
Shows the details of the patch specified.

Shows the history of all patches applied/rollback releases.

The default setting is False.

tscli patch resume-apply [-h]
Resumes patch apply.
tscli patch resume-rollback [-h]
Resumes patch roll-back.
tscli patch rollback md5 [-h]
Rolls back a specified patch from an existing cluster with the following parameters:
Specifies the md5 of the patch to be rolled back.

When set, skips all pre-apply checks while rolling back.

The default is False.

tscli patch status
Shows the progress of patch operation.


tscli rpackage [-h] {add,delete,list}

Manages R packages available to SpotIQ.

This subcommand has the following options:

tscli rpackage add [-h] [--repo REPO] [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--dest_dir DEST_DIR] [--nodes NODES] package_name

Command to add an R package, package_name, to the cluster.

Accepts the following flags:

--repo REPO

Specifies the url of a specific repository to download packages from.

The default is

-timeout REPO

Timeout waiting for the R Package to be installed.

The default is 60.

--dest_dir REPO
Directory where output of this command will be placed.
--nodes NODES

Space-separated list of IPs for nodes to run the command on.

The default setting is all.

tscli rpackage delete [-h] [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--dest_dir DEST_DIR] [--nodes NODES] package_name

Command to delete an installed R package from the cluster.

Accepts the following flags:

--timeout REPO

Timeout waiting for the R Package to be removed.

The default is 60.

--dest_dir REPO
Directory where the output of this command should be saved.
--nodes NODES

Space-separated list of node IPs on which to run the command.

The default setting is all.

tscli rpackage list [-h] [--detailed]
List all R packages installed on the cluster, with the following parameter:

Command to get install information as well as package names.

The default is False.


tscli saml [-h] {configure,purge-configuration}

This subcommand has the following options:

tscli saml configure [-h]
Configures SAML.
tscli saml purge-configuration
Purges any existing SAML configuration.

To see a list of prerequisites, refer to Configure SAML.


tscli scheduled-pinboards [-h] {disable,enable}

This subcommand has the following options:

tscli scheduled-pinboards disable
Disables scheduled pinboards for the cluster.
tscli scheduled-pinboards enable [-h]
Enables scheduled pinboards, which are disabled in prod clusters by default.


tscli set [-h] {heterogeneous}

This subcommand has the following option:

tscli set heterogeneous
Sets or unsets a cluster as heterogeneous, with the following parameters:

Marks the cluster heterogeneous.

The default is True.


Marks the cluster homogeneous.

The default is False.


tscli smtp [-h] {remove-mailfromname,remove-mailname,remove-relayhost,remove-saslcredentials,reset-canonical-mapping,set-canonical-mapping,set-mailfromname,set-mailname,set-relayhost,set-saslcredentials,show-canonical-mapping,show-mailfromname,show-mailname,show-relayhost}

This subcommand has the following options:

tscli smtp remove-mailfromname

Removes current cluster mail from name.

It is the first half of the email address, the part before the @ sign. In, it is example.

tscli smtp remove-mailname

Removes current cluster mail name.

It is the second half of the email address, the part after the @ sign. In, it is company.

tscli smtp remove-relayhost
Removes current cluster relay host.
tscli smtp remove-saslcredentials
Clears SASL credentials and disables SMTP AUTH.
tscli smtp reset-canonical-mapping
Deletes the current postmap mapping.
tscli smtp set-canonical-mapping [-h] new_key new_value
Sets a new Postmap mapping. You must specify the new_key and the new_value.
tscli smtp set-mailfromname mailfromname

Sets the name from where email alerts are sent for the cluster.

It is the first half of the email address, the part before the @ sign. In, it is example.

tscli smtp set-mailname mailname

Sets the domain from where email alerts are sent for the cluster.

It is the second half of the email address, the part after the @ sign. In, it is company.

tscli smtp set-relayhost [-h] [--force FORCE] relayhost

Sets the specified relayhost for SMTP (email) sent from the cluster.

Accepts the following flag:

--force FORCE

Set even if relay host is not accessible.

The default setting is False.

On ThoughtSpot release 6.1.1 or later, on on release 6.0.5, you can specify a custom port to connect to the relay host. If you do not specify a port, the system uses the default recommended port, port 25. Use a custom port if port 25 is blocked in your environment.

To use the default port, run the setup command normally:

$ tscli smtp set-relayhost IP_address

To use a custom port instead of port 25, run the setup command, specifying the port you want to use:

$ tscli smtp set-relayhost IP_address:custom_port

If you are on 6.1 rather than 6.1.1, or an earlier version than 6.0.5, contact ThoughtSpot Support to use a custom port.

tscli smtp set-saslcredentials
Sets SASL credentials and enables SMTP AUTH.
tscli smtp show-canonical-mapping
Shows the current postmap mapping.
tscli smtp show-mailfromname
Shows the mailname, from which email alerts are sent, for the cluster.
tscli smtp show-mailname
Shows the mailname, from which email alerts are sent, for the cluster.
tscli smtp show-relayhost

Shows the relay host for SMTP (email) sent from the cluster.

If the relay host is not configured, the command returns NOT FOUND.


tscli snapshot [-h] {backup,create,delete,ls,pin,restore,unpin,update-ttl,validate}

To learn more about snapshots and backups, see the Understand the backup strategies documentation.

This subcommand has the following options:

tscli snapshot backup [-h] [--mode {full,light,dataless}] [--type {full,incremental}] [--base BASE] [--storage_type {local,nas}] [--remote] [--no-orion-master] name out

Pulls snapshot out as a backup.

This command has the following required elements:

Name of snapshot to pull out as a backup. To list all snapshots, run tscli snapshot ls.
Directory where backup will be written. The directory must not already exist.

tscli snapshot backup also accepts the following optional flags:

--mode {full,light,dataless}

Mode of backups.

The default is full.

--type {full,incremental}

Type of backup.

Incremental backup is not implemented.

The default setting is full.

--base BASE

Based snapshot name for incremental backup.

Incremental backup is not implemented yet.

storage_type {local,nas}

Storage type of output directory.

The default is local.


Takes backup through orion master.

The default is False.


Specifies whether orion master is available during backup

The default is False.

--bucket_name BUCKET_NAME
The name of the s3/gcs bucket to create the backup. The platform depends on the storage type of the cluster. You must specify --storage_type as cloud.
--staging_dir STAGING_DIR
Used for staging hdfs data in cloud based backups. No effect in non-cloud based backups. You must specify --storage_type as cloud.
tscli snapshot create [-h] name reason ttl

Creates a new snapshot with the specified name and reason.

This command does not accept . (periods). It does accept - (dashes or hyphens).

The ttl parameter is the number of days after which this snapshot is automatically deleted. A value of -1 disables automatic deletion.

tscli snapshot delete [-h] name
Deletes the named snapshot.
tscli snapshot ls [-h]
Lists available snapshots.
tscli snapshot pin [-h] name
Pins a snapshot with the specified name so it cannot be deleted or garbage collected.
tscli snapshot restore [-h] [--allow_release_change] [--only_service_state] name

Restores cluster to the specified snapshot name.

Accepts the following flags:


Allows restoration to a snapshot at a different release.

The default is False.


Restores only the service state.

The default is False.

tscli snapshot unpin [-h] name
Unpins the specified snapshot name so it can be deleted or garbage-collected.
tscli snapshot update-ttl [-h] [--disable DISABLE] name ttl

Updates manual snapshot garbage collection policy.

Accepts the following flags:

Specifies which snapshot to update.

This is the "time-to-live" value.

Use a positive value to increase ttl. Use negative values to decrease it.

--disable DISABLE

Disables manual snapshot garbage collection.

Setting this value to True overrides any ttl value. The default is False.

tscli snapshot validate
Validates a specified snapshot name to ensure it is not corrupt.


tscli snapshot-policy [-h] {disable,enable,show,update}

This subcommand has the following options:

tscli snapshot-policy disable [-h]
Disables a specified snapshot policy.
tscli snapshot-policy enable -h
Enables a specified snapshot policy.
tscli snapshot-policy show [-h]
Shows snapshot policy.
tscli snapshot-policy update [-h] [--config CONFIG]

Updates periodic snapshot config, with the following parameter:

--config CONFIG
Text format of periodic backup policy config.


tscli socialproof [-h] {disable,enable}

This subcommand has the following options:

tscli socialproof disable
Disables socialproof.
tscli socialproof enable
Enables socialproof.


tscli ssl [-h] {add-cert,add-valid-hosts,clear-min-tls-version,off,on,remove-valid-hosts,rm-cert,set-alert-days,set-min-tls-version,status,tls-status}

This subcommand manages the SSL configuration.

To use SSL, the following ports must be open:

  • 443
  • 80

Refer to Configure SSL for more information.

This subcommand has the following options:

tscli ssl add-cert [-h] key certificate valid_hosts
Adds a specified SSL certificate and key pair. Requires a comma-separated host list. Nginx will reject if the hosts are not valid. This command has the following optional flag:

Forces setting of key and certification without validation.

The default is False.

tscli ssl add-valid-hosts [-h] VALID_HOSTS
Enables host validation for the specified host(s). Helps improve security. This feature is for all customers that have or are planning to enable SSL. Multiple hosts must be separated by a comma (,).
1. If you want to make sure the valid host is, you would run the command:
tscli ssl add-valid-hosts
2. If you want to allow all hosts which have the suffix, you would run the command:
tscli ssl add-valid-hosts * This wild card should be used within the hostname.
3. If you want to allow multiple valid hosts, for example both * and cluster1, you would run the command:
tscli ssl add-valid-hosts *,cluster1
tscli ssl clear-min-tls-version [-h]
Clears any customizations for the minimum TLS version to support.
tscli ssl off
Disables SSL. Disabling SSL will stop users from seeing a security warning when accessing ThoughtSpot from a browser if there is no SSL certificate installed.
tscli ssl on [-h]
If SSL is enabled and there is no certificate, users will see a security warning when accessing ThoughtSpot from a browser. To bypass this warning, users must click Advanced and then Proceed.
tscli ssl remove-valid-hosts
Turns off validation of hosts.
tscli ssl rm-cert
Removes the existing SSL certificate, if any. Reverts to default self-signed certificate.
tscli ssl set-alert-days days

Sets alert threshold for a specifed number of days to check before SSL certificate expires.

The default is 30 days.

tscli ssl set-min-tls-version {1.0,1.1,1.2}
Sets a specified minimum supported TLS version. Sets the minimum SSL version to be supported by the ThoughtSpot application. You must ensure that client browsers are enabled for this version or newer.
tscli ssl status
Shows whether SSL authentication is enabled or disabled.
tscli ssl tls-status
Prints the status of TLS support.


tscli sssd {enable, disable, set-sudo-group, clear-sudo-group}

This subcommand uses system security services daemon (SSSD), and has the following options:

tscli sssd enable --user USER --domain DOMAIN
Enables system Active Directory (AD) user access on a single node. You will be prompted for password credentials. The user must have permission to join a computer or VM to the domain. This subcommand has the following parameters:
--user USER
You must specify the user to receive access.
--domain DOMAIN
You must specify the domain.
tscli sssd disable
Disables Active Directory access. Leaves identity domain and removes AD sudo group.
tscli sssd set-sudo-group ACTIVE_DIRECTORY_GROUP_NAME
Allows sudo permissions for a specified AD group.
tscli sssd clear-sudo-group ACTIVE_DIRECTORY_GROUP_NAME
Clears a specified AD sudo group so that they no longer have sudo permissions.

For more about setting up Active Directory access, see Enable Active Directory based access.


tscli storage [-h] {gc,df}

This subcommand has the following options:

tscli storage gc [-h] [--log_age LOG_AGE] [--force] [--localhost_only]
Garbage collects unused storage.

Before issuing this command, you must stop the cluster using tscli cluster stop.

After garbage collection finishes, you can restart the cluster with tscli cluster start.

This command frees space in the following directories:


The storage gc subcommand accepts these optional flags:

--log_age LOG_AGE

Deletes logs older than a specified number of hours. Use a non-zero value, because zero deletes all temporary files, including the ones that are closed temporarily while passing from one component to the next.

The default setting is 4.


Forces deletion of all logs and temporary files regardless of age. Only run this command on a stopped cluster. To stop a cluster, run tscli cluster stop.

The default setting is False.


Only removes the logs on the local host. If not specified, the command acts on the entire cluster.

tscli storage df [--mode disk|hdfs]
Checks the disk usage on the relevant mounts. Returns output similar to the Linux system command df -h directory.


tscli support [-h]
   {bundle, restart-remote, rm-admin-email, rm-admin-phone, rm-feedback-email,
    set-admin-email, set-admin-phone, set-debug-ui-password, set-feedback-email,
    set-remote, show-admin-email, show-admin-phone, show-feedback-email,
    show-remote, start-remote, stop-remote}

This subcommand has the following options:

tscli support bundle [-h] [--include INCLUDE] [--exclude EXCLUDE] [--list_selectors] [--since SINCE] [--from FROM] [--to TO] [--out OUT] [--nodes NODES]
--include INCLUDE

Comma-separated list of selectors to include. Each entry is either a "selector" or a glob for matching files. To see the list of valid selectors, run this command with --list_selectors. You may also specify all to get all selectors and logs, and basic to get only the basic selectors.

Selectors can be used for logs collection: all, orion, system, ts, or the name of a service.

Anything that starts with / (forward slash) is assumed to be a glob pattern, and is interpreted through find(1). Other entries are ignored.

TIP: Use single quotes around the parameter value to prevent undesired glob expansion. Use all to collect all selectors and all logs.

The default setting is all_but_logs.

--exclude EXCLUDE

Comma-separated list of selectors to exclude. Applies to the list selected by --include. Parameters are interpreted in the same manner as in --include.

Use the special keyword logs to exclude logs collection altogether.

There is no default setting.


Lists the selectors available for --include and --exclude, and then exits.

The default setting is False.

--since SINCE

Grabs logs from the specified time window. Should be a human-readable duration string, such as 4h (4 hours), 30m (30 minutes), 1d (1 day).

There is no default setting.

--from FROM

Timestamp when collection begins. Must be of the form: yyyymmdd-HH:MM.

There is no default setting.

--to TO

Timestamp when collection ends. Must be of the form: yyyymmdd-HH:MM.

There is no default setting.

--out OUT

Tarball path for dumping the support bundle.

The default setting is /tmp/support_bundle.tar.gz.

--nodes NODES

Comma separated list of nodes from where to collect logs. Skip this to use all nodes.

There is no default setting.

tscli support restart-remote
Restarts remote support.
tscli support rm-admin-email
Removes the email address for contacting the customer administrator. Replaces it with the default ThoughtSpot Support email address.
tscli support rm-feedback-email
Removes the email address for product feedback. Replaces it with the default ThoughtSpot Support email address.
tscli support rm-admin-phone
Removes the phone number for contacting the customer administrator. Replaces it with the default ThoughtSpot Support phone number.
tscli support set-admin-email email
Sets the specified email address for contacting the customer administrator.
tscli support set-feedback-email email
Sets the specified email address for sending feedback.
tscli support set-admin-phone phone_number
Sets the specified phone number for contacting the customer administrator. Specify a phone number using any value, such as +1 800-508-7008 Ext. 1.
tscli support set-remote [-h] [--addr ADDR] [--user USER]
Configures the cluster for remote support through SSH tunneling, where ADDR is the support address, such as, and USER is the support username.
tscli support show-admin-email
Shows the email address for the customer administrator, if set.
tscli support show-feedback-email
Shows the email address for product feedback, if set.
tscli support show-admin-phone
Shows the phone number for the customer administrator, if set.
tscli support show-remote
Prints the status and configuration of remote support.
tscli support start-remote
Starts remote support.
tscli support stop-remote
Stops remote support.


tscli tokenauthentication [-h] {disable,enable}

This subcommand has the following options:

tscli tokenauthentication enable
Configures token-based login.
tscli tokenauthentication disable
Purges existing token-based login configuration.