Required parameters are in red and Optional parameters are in blue.
- filepath, the file location to write the Excel file to
- filepath_suffix, an optional suffix to add to the Excel file, based on CURRENT DATETIME.
( use the strftime.org cheatsheet as a guide )
- date_time_format, the string representation of date times
( use the strftime.org cheatsheet as a guide )
- save_strategy, how to save new data into an existing directory
( allowed:APPEND
Serverless Requirements
If you're running CS Tools serverless, you'll want to ensure you install these python requirements.
Don't know what this means? It's probably safe to ignore it.
How do I use the Syncer in commands?
CS Tools accepts syncer definitions in either declarative or configuration file form.
Find the copy button to the right of the code block.
Simply write the parameters out alongside the command.
* when declaring multiple parameters inline, you should wrap the enter value in quotes.
Create a file with the
extension. -
Write the filename in your command in place of the parameters.