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Create Config

Sets up the required folder structure for migration tools and creates a template configuration file in the config folder with the name of the project. This .toml file will need to be edited before the first run.

Folder structure

The following folder structure will be created under the project folder

├── <projects>
│   ├── <project_name>
│      ├── config
│         ├── <project_name>.toml
│      ├── input
│         ├── business_model
│            ├── <business_model>.xls
│         ├── connections_yaml
│            ├── <original_remapping_file>.yaml
│         ├── ddl
│            ├── falcon
│               ├── **/*.sql
│            ├── target
│               ├── **/*.sql
│         ├── models
│            ├── falcon
│               ├── **/*.dbs
│               ├── **/*.csv
│            ├── target
│               ├── **/*.dbs
│               ├── **/*.csv
│      ├── log
│         ├── <yyyymmdd_HHMMSS>_migration.log
│      ├── output
│         ├── delta_migrations
│            ├── cs_tools_cloud
│            ├── cs_tools_falcon
│            ├── modified
│            ├── new

Configuration file

The process will also create a template configuration file with the same name as the project in the config folder of the created directory structure. Please adjust these parameters according to your needs, althought typically you would only need to change the MIGRATION parameters (source and target platform).

# Name of the source platform
# Name of the target platform

# Folder where the source model files will be placed (*.dbs/*.csv)
SOURCE_MODEL_FOLDER = "./projects/cmc/input/models/falcon/"
# Folder where the target model files will be placed (*.dbs/*.csv)
TARGET_MODEL_FOLDER = "./projects/cmc/input/models/target/"
# Folder where the business model downloaded from the source platform (falcon) will be placed
BUSINESS_MODEL_FOLDER = "./projects/cmc/input/business_model/"
# Folder of the source remapping.yaml file
SRC_YAML_FOLDER = "./projects/cmc/input/connections_yaml/"
# File Spec (folder+name) of the output comparison report
DDL_COMPARISON_REPORT = './projects/cmc/output/ddl_comparison.txt'
# File Spec (folder+name) of the output remapped yaml file
TAR_YAML_FILE_NAME = "./projects/cmc/output/remapped_org_cmc_dummy_connection.yaml"
# File Spec (folder+name) of the override csv file
MANUAL_OVERRIDES = "./projects/cmc/output/mapping_overrides.csv"

# Names of source databases which will be completed excluded from the process
EXCLUDE_DATABASES = ['thoughtspot_internal','thoughtspot_internal_stats','34ae4719-2593-4ed4-ac3e-0ac797f0e7af']
# Names of source schemas which will be completed excluded from the process
EXCLUDE_SCHEMAS = ["ViewDatabase.ViewSchema"]
# Do we ignore the length on any Falcon varchar data type
# Do we accept target data types with a larger length and/or precision?
# In the output report do we only list tables which have actual issues
# The minimum percentage of column similarity to be required
# The minimum amount of columns a table needs to have for a successful column match
# Width of the report (and terminal)
# If set True it will populate target definition in the override file with value of source (and target data type)
# Minimum score required for a successful match

SOURCE_TS_URL = "https://123.456.789"
SOURCE_USERNAME = "username"
SOURCE_PASSWORD = "password"
DEST_TS_URL = "https://789.456.123"
DEST_USERNAME = "username"
DEST_PASSWORD = "password"

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