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What's a Syncer?

Syncers allow CS Tools to interact with a data storage layer without having to know the explicit details of how to do so.

We've implemented syncers to many popular data storage formats.

  %%{init: { "securityLevel": "loose" }}%%
graph LR
  %% nodes
  %% A["<img src=''; width='30' />"]
  B{{searchable gather}}

  %% links
  A --> | APIs | B
  subgraph cs_tools
  B -.- | has a | C;
  C ---> | dump | D;
  D ---> | load | C;
data flow diagram between ThoughtSpot and an external data source

How do I use Syncers?

In order to interact with your external data source, users are required to supply either a definition.toml file or type out all the parameters on the command line.

For example if you are to use the Excel syncer, you might have to specify a filepath to the target workbook. On the other hand if you use the Database syncer, you could be asked to provide database connection or authentication details.

Each Syncer has different requirements and should document them clearly.

some examples of DEFINITION.toml

This is a file which tells your Syncer how to behave. Think of the DEFINITION.toml as a mini configuration file.

directory = '...'
delimiter = '|'
escape_character = '\'
save_strategy = APPEND
database_path = '...'
load_strategy = 'truncate'
spreadsheet = data
credentials_file = data-6538a3a8f574.json
save_strategy = APPEND
account_name = '...'
username = '...'
secret = '...'
warehouse = 'WH_DATA_LOADS_XS'
database = 'GO_TO_MARKET'
schema = 'CS_TOOLS'
authentication = 'basic'
load_strategy = 'truncate'

Once you have have a definition file, you can supply it to any cs_toolscommand which documents that it interfaces with Syncers. The syntax for this looks like..

cs_tools tools searchable bi-server --syncer gsheets:///home/user/syncers/data-sink.toml --compact

Where the gsheets:// portion tells CS Tools which Syncer to use, and the /home/user/syncers/data-sink.toml is the full path to your definition.toml file.

If your data format is not yet implemented, read on to the next page to learn about the syncer protocol and be able to write your own custom syncer.