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There is No Magic!

This database is only available if you host the Software version of the ThoughtSpot product, and are not using Connections to an external data store.


Required parameters are in red and Optional parameters are in blue.

  • database, the database to write new data to
    if the database or tables do not exist in the database.schema location already, we'll auto-create them

  • schema, the schema to write new data to
    if the schema or tables do not exist in the database.schema location already, we'll auto-create them
    default: falcon_default_schema

  • wait_for_dataload_completion, pause after loading data to check if it was successful
    default: true ( allowed: true, false )

  • ignore_load_balancer_redirect, whether or not to redirect from the serving node
    default: false ( allowed: true, false )

  • load_strategy, how to write new data into existing tables
    default: APPEND ( allowed: APPEND, TRUNCATE, UPSERT )
How do I use the Syncer in commands?

CS Tools accepts syncer definitions in either declarative or configuration file form.

Find the copy button to the right of the code block.

Simply write the parameters out alongside the command.

cs_tools tools searchable metadata --syncer "falcon://database=cs_tools" --config dogfood

* when declaring multiple parameters inline, you should wrap the enter value in quotes.

  1. Create a file with the .toml extension.


    database = "cs_tools"
    schema = "falcon_default_schema"
    wait_for_dataload_completion = true
    ignore_load_balancer_redirect = false
    load_strategy = "TRUNCATE"
    * this is a complete example, not all parameters are required.

  2. Write the filename in your command in place of the parameters.

    cs_tools tools searchable metadata --syncer falcon://syncer-overwrite.toml --config dogfood